Fri 2023-Jun-16
Today is Bloomsday. Umm… what?
Today is Bloomsday, a holiday invented by scholars of James Joyce to celebrate his work.
1904-Jun-16 is the day his 1922 novel Ulysses takes place. There are probably
articles everywhere, we’ll cite just one from the venerable Beeb. [1]
I have little else to add, not being much of a fan of Joyce personally. But I have a friend who is, so… Bloomsday.
IYKYK, though I am not among that particular elect.
The Weekend Conclusion
C’mon, really: who can resist a holiday made up by nerds to celebrate a book?
Notes & References
1: K Birmingham, “James Joyce’s Ulysses: A classic too sexy for censors”, BBC, 2015-Jun-16. ↩
Published Fri 2023-Jun-16
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