Tue 2024-Sep-10

The Harris/Trump Debate

Tagged: Politics / SomebodyAskedMe / ϜΤΦ

Somebody asked me what I thought would happen at the debate tonight. Not gonna watch it.

Not Gonna Watch It?!

“But it’s the most important debate ever!”, I can hear some of you US voters cry plaintively.

Yes, it probably is. Still not watching.

Two reasons:

  1. Look, do you really need to see the debate to make your mind? If you’re still undecided, or even unmotivated to vote, I can’t help you. Brain death is beyond my reach, as far as offering help.
  2. Debates, particularly political debates, do not settle questions of fact such as whose policies would be better. They settle questions of who is more verbally eloquent, as in a status dominance game for members of the Word Tribe. (Though, to be fair, in Trump’s case it’s not actually eloquence. It’s more like who is the more talented name-caller on the elementary school playgrounds. He thinks insult wordplay is an actual form of reasonable discourse, which is why his sentences are so laden with insulting adjectives. This is not a skill an adult should have.)

Also, the media is likely to subject Harris’s every word and breath to microscopic and hostile scrutiny. Trump will be judged a success if he simply manages not to vomit. Or at least vomits in a way the media find artistic, rhythmic, or at a rhetorically crucial moment. I really don’t need to hear that kind of “analysis”, and can’t understand anyone who does.

It’s simple: once you figure out which side the Nazis are on, pick the other side!

Vote for Democrats up and down the ticket; no Republicans, not for any imaginable office, not under any conceivable circumstance.

The Weekend Conclusion

So the Weekend Editrix and I will go out for a nice dinner, then come home to pet the cats and take a nice hot bath. It’s cool enough in the evenings for that bath to be something to enjoy. (Also, sore old joints help in my appreciation there.)

From my point of view, Harris could win by saying this and walking off the stage: “Ceterum censeo, Trump incarcerandam esse.”

Notes & References


Published Tue 2024-Sep-10

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