Mon 2024-Oct-14

Undecided Voters in the 2024 US Election

Tagged: Politics / Sadness

So… if you’re a US voter, are you undecided about the election?!


Ok, I admit it: this is a screed.

Cartoon by Wiley Miller: up or down, undecided is a trap I was wondering who these much-vaunted “undecided” voters could be, when someone called to my attention this cartoon from yesterday by Wiley Miller.

  • You can push the up button, and the elevator will take you up.
  • You can push the down button, and the elevator will take you down.
  • Or you can push the “undecided” button… then the trap door opens, and who knows what becomes of you?

This is like my feelings about US “undecided” voters, especially if they are among the 10,000 or so voters in the swing states who will decide the future of American democracy.

Look, it’s not hard:

  • If you want democracy, then vote Harris/Walz at the top of the ticket, and Democrats all the way down to ensure a functional Senate and House, not filled with Republican nihilists.
  • If you want fascism, then I despise you. But your choice is clear.
  • If you fail to vote, the only message you’re sending is “I don’t care and you can ignore me & my interests”. That’s a stupid message, so don’t do that.
  • If you vote 3rd party, the only message you’re sending is “I am bad at math.” Yes, it would be better if we had better candidates. Yes, it would be better if we had a proportional representation system, or rank-preference voting, or something other than first-past-the post. But FPTP is what’s here, what’s real, and what’s the only thing for you to deal with. So don’t be stupid this way, either.

So, look: just vote for Democrats this time.

There will soon come a time for more nuanced partisanship, and hectoring our electeds to do better. But that time is not now.

The Weekend Conclusion

Glaaah. I want this to be over.

But “over” in the right way: Harris/Walz elected, having gotten past all the mischief points where Trump will surely try to blow up the system again, and Trump back in court for sentencing & incarceration.

(Ceterum censeo, Trump incarcerandam esse.)

Notes & References


Published Mon 2024-Oct-14

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