Fri 2025-Feb-14

Little Nemo in Valentine's Land

Tagged: Beauty / Obscurantism / TheDivineMadness / ϜΤΦ

So… Valentine’s Day, eh?

Little Nemo Dreams of Being Loved

Winsor McKay's 'Little Nemo' of 1909-Feb-14: a dream of love I have an affection for a now-obscure American cartoonist of the early 20th century, Winsor McCay. He wrote & drew a strip called “Little Nemo”. It’s about a little kid who has vivid dreams, at the end of which he wakes up and his mom asks him what woke him, or tells him to go back to sleep, or says he has to get up to go to church.

Just that. No more.

It’s a beautifully simple story, with simply beautiful drawing in the Art Nouveau style. (Art Nouveau is another weakness of mine.)

(There are, of course, some of the usual regrettable racial stereotypes of the period. At least they’re not the main focus.)

This strip from 1909-Feb-14, came to my attention via Comics in the Golden Age. Nemo dreams Valentine’s Day cards grow and some wonderful woman walks out to greet him lovingly.

And, at the crucial moment, then he wakes up – as in many dreams of love.

The Weekend Conclusion

Now, if only we could wake up from the American nightmare of today.

(Ceterum censeo, Trump incarcerandam esse.)

Notes & References


Published Fri 2025-Feb-14

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