Today the Weekend Editrix got shot (again)
Today the Weekend Editrix got shot. Again. (The good way.)
Getting the second dose
Mostly, it was pretty easy. They sent her a couple email reminders, and it took all of 10min to get to the pharmacy at the appointed time.
Of course, something had to go wrong. Just like last time, they insisted they’d sent her a text with a link to a health quiz. Of course, no such text arrived. So they sent us to the pharmacy desk for “manual check-in”, which consisted of another person insisting that a text was sent, and we just needed to look for it. Again, simple stubborn persistence paid off: within about 10min a 3rd person, possessed with a modicum of reason, checked the list and let us in.
Why do people insist their systems work when clearly they do not? And why are the reasonable people always the third layer of backup?
Herein illustrated is the Weekend Editrix, now in receipt of her second dose of
BNT162b2/PF-07302048, a.k.a. tozinameran/Comirnaty. I note with some approval that the
nurse was appropriately gloved and sanitized the gloves beforehand with alcohol, unlike my
Afterwards, she pronounced herself “satisfied”, and “glad the wait is over”. Though, really, there’s nothing but waiting for her immune system to build up over the next 2 weeks: her Immunity Freedom Day will be May 5.
Tune in tomorrow to see what side effects may follow.
Addendum 2021-Apr-22: the Weekend Edtrix’s sequelae
It’s worse than last time, but still not too bad.
Her arm is a bit sore, but easily endured. She had a fever that peaked last night (actual temp: normal + 2.0°C). Some 8hr long-lasting acetaminophen got that down to a more reasonable place. Tired, but ensconced on the couch busy building antibodies & training memory B cells. We were a bit worried about fast heartbeat, but a quick call to our PCP’s office reassured us that this was to be expected.
So far, so good.
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